1)Introduction This equipment is a span by span launching gantry 150x1600 Ton. 2)Design general data ·Maximum span length :38m ·Worst span sequence (for Humin project equipment working on double span support) :38+35m ·Maximum segment weight :150Ton ·Maximum segment dimension (bxhxl) :25x2,1x3m ·Maximum allowable span weight (for Humin project - equipment working on double span support) :1600Ton ·Maximum vertical climbing capability of bridgebuilder trolleys :±5% ·Maximum transversal climbing capability of bridgebuilder trolleys when loaded :±2% ·Bridge section: box girder ·Span type : isostatic / iperstatic ·Minimum horizontal radius :1000m ·Maximum wind speed on non-working status : 22m/sec ·Maximum wind speed on working status : 35m/sec ·Safety coefficient of hanging device: break value / 3 ·Anti overturning coefficient of equipment during segment hanging and lifting : ≧2.5 ·Anti overturning coefficient of equipment during self-launching (according to CE standards) :1.35